Monday, August 8, 2011
Posted by James Velasquez at 5:44 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 5, 2011
The Arrival
I tend to refer to myself as part-time news correspondent, full-time sports aficionado. Because I never feel more alive than when I'm up and about, covering the games' biggest stars, re-living moments etched in athletic lore, and telling tales of glory to one and all who would care to lend an ear.
I started out as a freelance writer for college sports while studying, and my God, I never felt more alive.
That much was clear to me from the outset: I love sports, and making a career out of writing and talking about the games I love would be the fulfillment of a dream.
I've been pretty the lucky the past couple or three years. I've met Kobe Bryant twice and talked to him 1on1 for 5 minutes, I've become pretty friendly with Pound-for-Pound King Manny Pacquiao (played in the same backcourt with him even), I've seen NBA stars and NBA legends hoop, I've gotten to know our national athletes and seen them in glory and defeat, I've traveled from GenSan to Las Vegas and back, I've shivered in Canada and sweated in Laos, just to bring back tales that inspire, of men and women who shed blood, sweat, and tears for their moment of glory in their respective battlefields.
What better job in the world than to be the herald for these Titans of our time?
This is why I am resurrecting that part of me which has been asleep for the last 3 years. While I have been blessed with the means to broadcast my craft to the rest of the world, I feel that two minutes of voice and video cannot bring justice to the the games greatest names. A lot can happen in two minutes, but two minutes ain't enough to tell my side of the story; like how it felt to pick Kobe Bryant's brain about Kobe the Killer on the court, or how surreal it was to stand beside Miami Heat Head Coach Erik Spoelstra in 2010 as his assistant coach for a day, teaching kids how to play the game of basketball properly.
Michael Jordan felt like he was in Heaven everytime he stepped on the court. I feel like I'm in Heaven everytime I stand in the frontlines of sports history.
So hello again, dearest sports blog. We're gonna have a lot of fun together.
Posted by James Velasquez at 7:15 AM 0 comments